Erik Menendez, convicted for the 1989 murder of his parents, has criticized Netflix’s show “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” as spreading “awful lies” and a “horrible narrative.” The show, part of Ryan Murphy’s anthology, follows the lead-up and aftermath of the Menendez murders. Menendez’s wife, Tammi, posted his response to the show on social media, calling out the inaccuracies and distortions in the portrayal of the events. Menendez, along with his brother Lyle, accused their father of sexual abuse but were convicted of murder in 1996. The show has also faced criticism for implying an intimate relationship between the brothers, which is not supported by the facts. In response, Tammi Menendez expressed disappointment in the dishonest portrayal of the tragedies and the setbacks it creates in raising awareness about childhood trauma. The statement also called out the show for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about male sexual abuse victims and the impact of violence. Menendez hopes that the show does not overshadow the progress made in shedding light on these issues. Neither Netflix nor Ryan Murphy have responded to the criticism.
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