Thirteen former Trump White House officials have signed an open letter supporting former chief of staff John Kelly, who recently stated in an interview with the New York Times that Trump fits the definition of a fascist. The letter, released by the Harris campaign, praised Kelly for highlighting the dangers of a potential second term for Trump and emphasized the importance of putting country over party. Several former Trump administration officials, including Stephanie Grisham, Miles Taylor, and Olivia Troye who have become prominent critics of Trump, also signed the letter. In his interview, Kelly claimed that Trump had praised Adolf Hitler, a statement that was both disturbing and shocking to the former officials who know Trump well. Trump has since denied making such statements. The Harris campaign has been using Kelly’s comments in a new ad to highlight the dangers of a second Trump term, with Harris emphasizing that Kelly’s insights provide a window into Trump’s true character. The campaign has found that Kelly’s non-partisan credibility among undecided voters may lead them to reconsider supporting Trump.
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