Rhode Island voters in South Kingstown are gearing up for the primary elections on Tuesday, September 10. The weather is expected to be favorable, encouraging residents to head to the polls. Competitive races are on the horizon, with U.S. Senate and Rhode Island General Assembly seats up for grabs.
In the U.S. Senate race for Democrats, incumbent V. Susan Sosnowski will face off against Anita Jacobson. In District 37, which includes New Shoreham and South Kingstown, voters will have the opportunity to choose their representative.
While there are no contested Republican primaries for Rhode Island State Senate, all voters are reminded to bring a valid photo ID to cast their ballot. Those without a photo ID can still vote using a provisional ballot, which will be reviewed by election officials to ensure no duplicate votes are cast.
For those unsure of their polling location, the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s website provides information on where to vote. Any individuals with news tips related to the elections can reach out to jimmy.bentley@patch.com.
Overall, Rhode Island voters are encouraged to exercise their democratic right and participate in the primary elections to have a say in the future of their state. With competitive races and important decisions to be made, every vote counts.
Photo credit patch.com